My sessions take the stress out of “preparing”

The first step is a phone or consult after booking to discuss what you’d like out of your session with me. It is always my goal to help you get what you are looking for out of our time together. I want to see and know YOU before our time together.

On our scheduled day, I’ll arrive on your doorstep just like an old friend ready for whatever unfolds during your daily routine.

 There is not much for you to do but be yourselves.

Make breakfast in your slippers, wipe crumbs off your toddlers face not because he needs to “smile at the camera” but rather because that is your after breakfast routine.

Let them wear their favorite super hero shirt. Let them take a nap with their lovies. Drink your coffee. BE YOU.

At the end of the day these photos will represent exactly who you are in your own home at exactly this moment in time.


why film?

Shooting film allows me to give myself over to the creative process with you.

I love to incorporate film into my sessions. Keeping true to the hands off approach for your story, but giving you some special artistic portraits as well. Because of the imperfections of the medium itself, I believe it is an incredible complement to the story we are telling of your family.

A true blend of storytelling and a creative medium.

Film portraits are always guided based on your children’s temperament. They will never be forced to do anything but be themselves.
